Holidays in photos
1. The best drink in summer - 2. Monopoly time with so much money
3. Chocolat mint in a garden - 4. A frogs' love
5. One really fun house entrance - 6. Santa Claus in august ??
5. One really fun house entrance - 6. Santa Claus in august ??
7. "Décanation" in Albi, Athleticism my favorite sport - 8. A cute traffic light
9. My new friend the llama - 10. The wonderful view from my hotel room in Deauville
Trop jolies ces photos :)
RépondreSupprimerThe cute traffic light is the best!!! So adorable! PS. I'd love it if you could come visit my blog and follow me if you like it!!
Jolies photos :)
Alalala, les granita, qu'est ce que j'en aurais bu ces 2dernieres mois =)
RépondreSupprimerTrès jolie cette porte, c'est original =)
Bisous !!
Woauh ! :) Tes clichés sont super sympas :)
RépondreSupprimerBisous, on se suit?